“Failure to protect the life blood of Mother Earth is a breach of our sacred duty to protect the environment and Mother Earth.”
Archives for November 2023
“That’s when the welfare system came in there, took away pride in people.”
“None of them heard of welfare back then. There was no such thing as welfare, because we survived by hunting and trapping.”
“The people of Fox Lake were separated from their land, alienated from their water….”
“The people of Fox Lake were separated from their land, alienated from their water, and forced to refocus our activities in area less affected by hydro development.”
“His dad told him about the old lady that had her house bulldozed.”
“Those shacks were our homes. They are a lot warmer than the place I’m living in now.”
“It took her many years for her to tell her story.”
“In 1999 my dad, myself and the former chief, Tom Nepitabo, spoke at Interchurch Inquiry…”